The Sedimented
June 7, 2014 in News Tags: education
The educators have the front a way that treats propositively the referring questions to the black people, and aboriginal pointed by means of the Law n. 11645/08, needing to be covered by all in the school. That these are not only to wait that the great transformations and changes become before, therefore to believe this option can solely represent the maintenance and the continuity of the system of partner-racial exclusion. It never is excessively to remember that the society brings obtains of form many times guarded, the anachronistic curses of racism, that have provoked social disparidades in which the indices lowest have been destined to the blacks, when compared with the whites. It is opportune to observe that the existing social economic model has been very unjust with the favored population less economically and that to a large extent amongst the most unloaded of the social process the blacks meet. As it says Demon (2002, p.10), it is more than necessary that the professor looks for to rethink its practises current, therefore: ' ' The paper of the necessary basic professor to move of the marked current situation for the mere transmission of knowledge, mere repensador intermediary, for the active, dynamic condition of (reverse speed) constructor of knowledge. Therefore, ability does not transmit itself, reproduces, imitates copies. Construct; ' It is necessary to observe that the multicultural education has for objective to contribute for the desconstruo of this system.
Therefore, the school cannot compactuar with the sedimented social ditames in the selectivity, the racial discrimination and the injustice. Throughout the history of the education, processes of naturalization of racism had been developed in the society. The school, has not obtained to undo this naturalization and to times it opts to the affirmation and maintenance of the racial preconceptions when it does not consider continuous dialogues, debates and reflections on the practical positions and of the human beings to this respect.