Rio De Janeiro
February 21, 2014 in News Tags: education
Playing allows to the child an enormous gamma of situations, that will provide a harmonic and general development of the child. Moyles (2002), detaches in its book that the schools where playing subvalorizado age, the mathematical possibilities gifts in playing of the children were not developed. In accordance with this thought, Grandson (2001), the schools is centered in formal learnings and following dimensions come back toward one ‘ ‘ excellency acadmica’ ‘ in restricted spaces. She considers yourself then basic that the professors of Physical Education have one better knowledge on the value of the game and the tricks as contents of the psicomotricidade and that these are basic for the cognitivo development, motor and psychological of the pupil in its completeness. Conclusion the study allowed to conclude positively that the games and tricks that are contents of the psicomotricidade allow the integral development of the pupil, contributing for the learning process. It is perceived that with the technological development playing it lost space for the electronic games, playing in the school is estigmatizado as an activity without well defined objectives. It is basic to the Professor of Physical Education works activities that aim at the integral development of the pupil and for in such a way the psicomotricidade it is an element of great relevance inside of the Physical Education. .