French Names
January 10, 2019 in News Tags: education, Foreign Languages ??
The French have French names one by one, two or more names. One of them, often the first used in everyday life, others only for official documents such as birth, death and marriage. Thus, Jacques Chirac never themselves do not call Jacques Rene Chirac; and Henri Philippe Petain always referred to as Philippe Petain (or Marshal Petain), because Philippe name for everyday life. Initials of middle name is not used. For example, in publications in English can cite as Claude Allegre Claude J. Allegre, but this was never done in France.
Typically, the second and more names may be somewhat old-fashioned, given in honor of the grandparents of the child, etc., although this practice is now less common. People may want to use any of their names. Check with film director to learn more. Traditionally, most people are named after saints. The most common names – Jean (John), Jacques (James), Michel (Michael) or Jean-Baptiste (John the Baptist) for women, Marie (Mary), Jeanne (Joan) and Julie (Julie) for women. In certain areas, such as Brittany or Corsica often used local names, but not always used (in Brittany, for example, male or female name Corentin Corentine; in Corsica – Dominique (suitable for both men and women).
In recent decades to become widely used names of foreign origin, such as Kevin, Enzo or Anthony for Men, Women, Jessica, Jennifer, Karine, or Sonia. Almost all the traditional names are defined sex. However, a few names, such as Dominique, Claude (Traditionally male) and Camille (traditionally male), given both men and women. In medieval times, the woman often called Philippe (Philippa), it is now exclusively a man’s name (Philip). Compound names such as Jean-Luc, Jean-Paul, and Anne-Sophie is common to French. And they are perceived as a single name. The second part of the name can be the name commonly used in the opposite sex. However, the floor defined by the first component. Thus, Marie-George Buffet is regarded as woman’s name because it begins with Marie. For example, in 2006, 81 baby named as Brigitte, 1997 – Catherine, 133 – Anne and 204 – Julie. The names of the selected parents. There are no legal restrictions on the choice of the name now, but it was not always so. Select Names originally was limited to names of saints, which was stated in the law of the late 18th century. But in 1966, the new law authorized the use of mythological, regional or foreign names. Only in 1993, French parents in their freedom naming a child without limitations. However, if the authority for registering births thinks that the chosen name (alone or in combination with the surname) may be harmful to the child, the registrar may refer the matter to the local court. But such situations are rare and mostly related to names, which may expose the child to public ridicule. And this is how Russian names are written in French: Aleksandr (Alexander) Aleksei (Alexei) Anastassia – Nastia (Anastasia) Anatoli (Anatoliy) Andrei (Andrei) Arkadi (Arkady) Artiom (Artem) Denis (Denis) Dmitri (Dmitry) Fiodor (Fedor) Galina (Galina) Guennadi (Gennady) Iekaterina – Katia (Ekaterina) Ielena – Lena (Elena) Ievgueni – Jenia (Eugene) Iouri (Yuri) Irina (Irina) Ksenia – Xioucha (Xenia) Larissa (Larissa) Nikolai (Nicholas) Oksana (Oksana) Raissa (Rice) Sofia (Sofia) Stepan (Stepan) Vassili (Basil) Zinaida (Moldovan) Lubov = Liouba (Love) Ludmila = Liouda (Ludmila) Nadejda = Nadia (Hope) Aleksei = Aliocha (Alex).