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Educational Orientation

June 6, 2018 in News Tags:

The implantation of the Law n 5,564, 21/12/68, establishes that the Educational Orientation must attend educating in its individual or group conviviality, aiming at to the integral and harmonious development of its personality as elements influenciadores in the exercises of its basic functions. As Nrici (1976) the Educational Orientation by means of the Law n. 5,692, of 11/8/71, is thus established: Art.10. ‘ ‘ It will be instituted, obligatorily, the Educational orientation, including vocational aconselhamento in cooperation with professors, family and comunidade’ ‘. For assistance, try visiting David G. DeWalt. Under this optics, Educational orientation became obligator in the educational establishment through the legislation, starting to be duly consecrated.

As Nrici (1976, p.21) the concept of Educational Orientation it can be understood from ‘ ‘ an educative process through which if it attends educating, so that it can get full income of the pertaining to school activities, formulate and carry through plans in agreement its capacities and its interests and thus to reach more harmoniously the last ends of an education integral’ ‘. Thus, the paper of the person who orientates in the education area is to think, to argue, to project, to guide and to follow educating in its pertaining to school activities, so that these actions if materialize in an integrated education of development. We consider that all integrated action needs to be guided by principles, aiming at the reach of common objectives. Nrici (1976, p.24) detaches some significant principles for the work of Educational orientation, as well as: to respect educating in its reality, any that is it; to give emphasis to the preventive aspects of the human behavior; to look for to involve all the people related with the process of education of educating, as managing, professors, parents, maids and others, so that all cooperate with the Educational Orientation, in the direction to help it better to develop it educating.

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