Educational Orientation
November 12, 2016 in News Tags: education
Schmidt and Pereira (1975) present innumerable techniques and processes used for the person who orientates for the acquisition of informal the indispensable ones to the identification of educating, such as: comment, questionnaire, anedotrio, fiches, daily, autobiografia, anedotrio, study of case, sociograma and interview. The election and/or definition of the methodology of work of the Educational Orientation, as well as of the instruments being used in each in case that, understand the action of planning, aiming at one better estruturao of the pedagogical action of the OE. On the basis of the studies of Lck (1986, P. 16) we verify that the planning in Educational Orientation, ' ' it is a process of estruturao and organization of the carried through intentional action by means of information analyses, determination of states among others ' '. In this direction, the planning is the process that exerts the function to structuralize, and to organize the functioning and the development of the intencionalizadas actions. In accordance with the same author, the importance of the planning in Educational Orientation inhabits in the most varied situations, therefore the person who orientates carries through multiple tasks, since the control of disciplines until the emergenciais situations of distribution of merenda.
The expectations around the work of the Educational Orientation are many. However, we need to point some limitations to the work of the educational person who orientates, recognizing that this only is possible thanks to the contribution and cooperation of the faculty of the school. The Orientation does not act alonely or separately, but its work is tied with the decisions and action of all one has equipped. In this direction, Lck (1994, P. 80), considers basic that ' ' it has dialogue, enrollment, participation of the professors, in the construction of a common project, directed toward the overcoming of the spalling of education and its process pedaggico' '. .