Educating Children
September 27, 2019 in News Tags: philosophy
Today, the problem covers of it is another one. becomes related with the children without limits, without parameters, superprotected for the ECA that until it can have been badly interpreted, but produced effect permissive. The children had learned to make birra for the rights, without of them she is possible to charge obligations, therefore always have somebody saying that this goes against such principle. now me such appears with one ' ' law of palmada' '. One amends in the Statute of the Child and Adolescente (ECA).
It says the emendation, back in the article 17-A, that children and adolescents have right to the education ' ' without the use of corporal punishment or cruel or degradante treatment, as correction forms, it disciplines, education, or any another one pretexto' '. Here between us, and that no integrant one of ' ' rights of crianas' ' it reads in them: you already saw or heard to speak that somebody has started the process of rebuke to a traquinagem with a pat, or beached a ship, or chinelada or similar thing? NOT. Learn more at this site: Vladislav Doronin. First he comes the warnings, the threats after the failure of the argument brando only is that hand of the extreme resource is launched. you, as I, know that situations exist where the arguments do not function. You, as I, know cases and cases where the extreme resource was necessary. also knows of others as many situations where due to pats the minor if became delinquent that the infantile delinquncia comes increasing therefore they cannot be punished. A principle exists, back in the book of sayings (in the bible), saying that ' ' what it does not make the use of the pole hates its son, but it loves what it, since early castiga' '. Also a phrase, attributed exists the Rui Barbosa, saying: ' ' they educate the children not to be necessary to punish adultos' '.