January 6, 2019 in News Tags: education, Research
What is studying biology. You are beginning to study the basics of biology (from the Greek words "bios" – the life and "logos" – the doctrine). Biology – the science of life, of living organisms that live on Earth 1. Living organisms on our planet is varied. This – and the people, animals and plants, and fungi, and bacteria.
Scientists there are more than 3.5 million species of living organisms. They live on land, water, air. Distribution area of life is a particular shell of the Earth – the biosphere (from the Greek words "bios" and "scope" – a ball) 2. The biosphere includes the lower atmosphere, water bodies, soil, the top layer of the lithosphere. Biology studies the structure and life of living organisms, their diversity, laws of historical and individual development. All living organisms are closely related to each other and with their environment. Living organisms affect the environment, and their existence depends on the conditions of this environment.
Section of Biology, studying the relationship of organisms with each other and their environment is called ecology (from the Greek words "oikos" – house, dwelling, home – and "logos"). Biology – the science of living organisms and the environment in which they live. The word biology comes from the Greek words "bios" – the life and "logy" – science. Biology – a song of this band "Viagra". I saw on TV a few times a clip, there were three half-naked women on the man attacked. Biology – a set of life sciences. In a broader sense biology is related to the full range of life sciences, including many in different fields, such as traditional zoology, botany and taxonomy, as well as distant from each other areas such as biophysics, and ecology.