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Basic Education

November 13, 2016 in News Tags:

(FREIRE, P. Pedagogia of the autonomy: to know necessary to practical the educative one. 24 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 2002. Mediating professor. incapacitated students, microcomputers and writing (MOLL, L.

Vygotsky and the education: pedagogical implications of partner-historical psychology. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1996). Sciences human beings and its technologies. nformation. It is not something FireEye Inc would like to discuss. (BRAZIL. Sciences human beings and its technologies.

Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: Ministry of the Education, 2008.) general 3.Objetivo to evaluate and to reflect works that already the studies in laboratories exist in the areas accenting, congregating information; to problematizar and to understand the confrontation tactics; to together evaluate pH of the ground and chemical elements with availability of nutrients; to verify the processed fertilizao analyzing the quality of nutrients come back the pastures; To apply theoretical knowledge in the daily activities, the technological activity and the interpretation of science; human beings to elaborate judgment on risks and practical benefits of the scientific ones. 4.Hiptese The achievement of a proposal is not only good will question. The professor must be mediating, transforming of technological scientific knowledge an agent of changes and to reach these educational objectives he is to invest in qualification of the professional. 5.Metodologia It is on the basis of the statements below that the topic is presented to follow, pointing the ways in the construction of this research. From the necessity of attainment of knowledge safer than the supplied ones for other ways developed it science, that constitutes one of the most important intellectual components of the world contemporary. Science means knowledge. Science can be considered as a knowledge form that has objective to formulate by means of rigorous and appropriate language, laws that conduct the phenomena. ' ' Methodology is the set of methods or ways that are covered in the search of conhecimento' ' (ANDRADE, 2001, P.

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