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Chaos in Education

July 14, 2013 in News Tags:

We go to backslide in thematic a recurrent one. We have heard and visa situations that take in them to make the following one I appeal. One I appeal that it is difficult of being directed, therefore the situation unreliability and depreciation in relation to the professors is as much that already is not known for where if to direct or to who to ask for aid. We stand out that we are leaving of concerns revealed in the public net. But we know that similar facts occur in particular schools. In all they hear the voice of professors saying that they desire to call the attention some authority so that looks at the indifference where if it finds the environment pertaining to school; the problems that are if augmenting in the schools and, if not decided, can be aggravated still more, extending the violence spiral. Here it is some situations that demand attention: – Pupils if attacking physically being, some times, necessary the presence of the police force.

Phenomena that create difficulties for the exercise of the docncia; – Pupils, of some forms, attacking verbal and physically professors or other servers of the schools and, for not being registered in the police stations in virtue of one maken a mistake vision of that everything must be decided for the pupil, are if becoming current. This creates difficulty for the exercise of the docncia; – Pupils, or country of pupils, making you denounce against servers, for these to have looked for to make to fulfill civility principles minimum. This creates an unreliability climate and also it embarrasses the exercise of the docncia. – Pupils, many violent times or infractors, if feel protecting ahead against the impotence of the school of as many appeals to ' ' direitos' ' of the children and adolescents, without to these same its duties and responsibilities are pointed.

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