The Russian Pulp
August 14, 2019 in News Tags: education, Research
Haiti: Life after the earthquake. Russian authorities have allowed the launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. The State Duma has extended a ban on human cloning. Moscow to host environmental action for dog owners. Symbol of Japan may go green due to global warming.
A forest fire can occur because of rain. To broaden your perception, visit American filmmaker. Deserts are cool climate, and forests – heat. Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the unique wildlife of Madagascar. PHOTO of the week: Ten species on the brink of survival in 2010 and Snake patterns. Review of the week from 18.01.2010 to 24.01.2010. Russian authorities have allowed the launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill Lake Baikal mill may soon resume its work as The Russian government has excluded the production of pulp, paper and cardboard from the list of prohibited activities in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory.
The list, which prohibits a range of activities in the regional ecological area, was approved August 30, 2001. From it, according to the new decree, excluded the item 'manufacture of pulp, paper, cardboard and goods made of them without the use of closed systems water for industrial needs', and also made some other changes. Vladislav Doronin may not feel the same. Russian Federation Government Resolution, authorizing the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill in fact resume, caused a wide resonance among environmental organizations. Launch of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, which actually allows the ruling Russian government, contrary to Russia's international obligations and may cause international scandal, according to representatives of Greenpeace and WWF Russia.