Infantile Education
November 17, 2016 in News Tags: education
is thinking on, that it is acted for practical conscientious and, that the basic direction of the memory is become valid. Regarding this, Galzerani cites Benjamin and emphasizes: ' ' (…) The memory constitutes for the frankfurtiano thinker a trip in the time until matinal impressions of the person human being with right to the gone one and come back. Supporting itself in Aristotle, it recognizes that the mnemonic register by itself does not have value: also some animals have this capacity, and the computers also. The challenge for the historical animal is in the rememorao, this that passes for the filter of the critical judgment of the intellectual, which, in turn also passes for the bolter in the poetical way to see criana.' ' (1999, p.102). In such a way, I understand that the documentation is the beginning of an important process in educative making, therefore it oportuniza that let us not lose of sight the involved citizens, nor our starting point. Inviting us for a great one walked in which the basic one will not be accurately where if it goes to arrive and yes, all the construction that will be made during the passage. Sharing of the ideas of Barbosa (2007), I understand the importance to preserve history and the memory of the groups and I believe to be basic to work in the Infantile Education with photos and reflective registers. I also believe and appositive the diverse languages that one ' ' escuta' ' intent it can catch. Thus, on the importance of the register in the educational space, we have: ' ' In the educational space, the register has the mark of the dialogue of the educator: I obtain proper, with practical its, its fears, its skills, its desires. The register is an invitation to see what of good already we know to make, what not yet we know and we need to learn.